About me

I'm the Senior Academic Liaison Librarian at London Metropolitan University. I Chartered in 2012 and in 2015 completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice and gained FHEA accreditation. All views expressed here are my own.

In January 2016 I decided to leave libraries and the UK and go for a bit of a wander. That turned into eight months of backpacking in Asia followed by two years of living in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa, working a series of random temporary jobs to continue to fund my travelling! It was an incredible experience which has given me valuable skills which I can use in my work and in my life now that I am back in the UK and back in my previous career.

 If you're interested in seeing more about my travels, I write a travel blog called The Imagination Trail - find it here or join in on Facebook ,Twitter or Instagram .

I am always open to working with other LIS folk on projects and events outside of work, and I love speaking and presenting as well as writing articles and blog posts, sharing my experiences and ideas with others in the profession. I have enjoyed my experiences of carrying out research and would like to work towards becoming a practitioner-researcher in the future.

I write this blog for a number of reasons; to. provide myself with a space to reflect on what I've been doing, and to maintain a record of my thoughts and experiences, to share information, experiences and ideas with others in the profession, and to engage with current issues and discussions.

My LinkedIn profile is here ,

You can get in touch with me by email or Twitter. Thanks for reading!
